Sunday, April 13, 2008

Happy Birthday Weekend, Part I

My birthday is on Tuesday but Kevin and I celebrated this weekend. He bought me a new pair of sunglassess after he got tired of my crappy Target pair falling off my face every time I turned my head. They are sooo much better! On Saturday we went to dinner with Kelly and Brian and had a fantastic steak dinner that ended with me (literally) scraping the Creme Brulee bowl clean. Out of respect for my future weight challenges I refused Kelly's offer to finish hers, however I'm 100% certain this dinner will make itself known at the weigh in on Tuesday. Oh well, who cares. It was deeeeelicious. 13 days and 22 hours to Baby Check-in!

I'm feeling the face fat these days... oh well, Happy (early) Birthday to me!

1 comment:

  1. Well I definitely see more "I'm a mommy" in your face now... You are the cutest pregnant woman, I've evern seen!



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